At the mountain-lodge of the buddhist priest Ye waiting in vain for my friend Ding by Meng Hao-ran

su ye shi shan fang qi ding da bu zhi
Now that the sun has set beyond the western range,
Valley after valley is shadowy and dim….
And now through pine-trees come the moon and the chill of evening,
And my ears feel pure with the sound of wind and water
Nearly all the woodsmen have reached home,
Birds have settled on their perches in the quiet mist….
And still -- because you promised -- I am waiting for you, waiting,
Playing lute under a wayside vine.

Original Poem:

夕阳度西岭, 群壑倏已暝。
松月生夜凉, 风泉满清听。
樵人归欲尽, 烟鸟栖初定。
之子期宿来, 孤琴候萝径。



Poet night monk waiting for friends, only to see the time moment by moment past, and the expected person, finally did not come. With people to meet, waiting for a long time does not come, not inevitably some heart melancholy, but the poet waiting for friends do not come, not anxious, not complaining, but also hold the piano patiently waiting, this is how leisurely huh!

The poet writes about the evening at the beginning of the poem, and writes about the scenery that he sees and hears when it is late. I hope that he will come as scheduled, but I still believe that he will come on time, so I still hold the zither and wait. The meaning of not coming has been written very clearly.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

From a mooring on the Tonglu to a friend in Yangzhou by Meng Hao-ran
su tong lu jiang ji guang ling jiu you

From a mooring on the Tonglu to a friend in Yangzhou by Meng Hao-ran

When the Emperor sought guidance from wise men, from exiles,He found no calmer w

On returning at the year’s end to Zhongnan Mountain by Meng Hao-ran
sui mu gui nan shan

On returning at the year’s end to Zhongnan Mountain by Meng Hao-ran

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