Stopping at a friend’s farm-house by Meng Hao-ran

guo gu ren zhuang
Preparing me chicken and rice, old friend,
You entertain me at your farm.
We watch the green trees that circle your village
And the pale blue of outlying mountains.
We open your window over garden and field,
To talk mulberry and hemp with our cups in our hands.
...Wait till the Mountain Holiday --
I am coming again in chrysanthemum time.

Original Poem:

故人具鸡黍, 邀我至田家。
绿树村边合, 青山郭外斜。
开轩面场圃, 把酒话桑麻。
待到重阳日, 还来就菊花。



This famous idyllic poem was written by the author when he was living in seclusion at Lumen Mountain and visiting the home of a mountain village friend.

The first two lines of the poem are simple, laying a suitable atmosphere for mutual openness, and it is precisely this kind of hospitality, which is free of formalities and ostentation, that enables friends to open their hearts to each other.

Then it depicts for us a light and quiet mountain village, full of the strong flavor of idyllic life. Between the poet’s glance, it is such a refreshing and pleasant feeling. Nearby is surrounded by green trees, which seems to be self-contained and unique; in the distance, the green hills outside the Guo are accompanied by green mountains, which makes the village not seem lonely and shows a wide-open vista. The “old man’s farm” is located in such a quiet natural environment, so the guests and hosts in the window to raise a glass, it seems to be more enjoyable, refreshing, between the guests and hosts to forget about the agricultural affairs. The poet was deeply attracted by the farm life, so when he was leaving, he frankly said to the master that he would come back to enjoy chrysanthemums together in the autumn high and refreshing Chung Yeung Festival.

The poem blends the quiet and beautiful rural scenery and the simple and sincere friendship into a piece, with plain language, sparse speech, and pure, not the slightest trace of carving, showing its charm in a light smear.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Meng Hao-ran

Meng Haoran (孟浩然), 689-740 AD, a native of Xiangyang, Hubei, was a famous poet of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. With the exception of one trip to the north when he was in his forties, when he was seeking fame in Chang’an and Luoyang, he spent most of his life in seclusion in his hometown of Lumenshan or roaming around.

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