A Farewell To Han Shen at The Yun-yang Inn by Si Kong-shu

yun yang guan yu han shen su bie
Long divided by river and sea,
For years we two have failed to meet -
And suddenly to find you seems like a dream.
With a catch in the throat, we ask how old we are.
...Our single lamp shines, through cold and wet,
On a bamboo-thicket sheathed in rain;
But forgetting the sadness that will come with tomorrow,
Let us share the comfort of this farewell wine.

Original Poem:




This is a poem of farewell, the poet starts from the last parting, then writes about the meeting, and then writes about the conversation and farewell, describing the twists and turns, full of emotion. This poem was written during the journey, expressing the poet’s feeling of being separated from his friend for many years and meeting him again at first.

The poet and his friend Jiang Hai, separated by thousands of mountains and tens of thousands of water, a go how many years, and now it is not easy to meet. Years of not seeing each other, suddenly reunited, do not think it is true, on the contrary, suspect that it is in a dream. Personnel vicissitudes, hastily past many years, do not remember each other’s age, in lamentation to ask each other. Old friends reunion, there are endless words, in the guest house, a lonely lamp cold light, each recounting his life, the guest house outside the bamboo forest deep smoke, for the poet and friends reunion added a point of bleakness, but also for tomorrow’s departure added a point of sadness. Both the poet and his friend attach great importance to this reunion, and they raise their glasses to each other and drink farewell wine.

The poem is simple and sincere, expressing both the joy of reunion and the sadness that it is difficult to see each other in the years of turmoil.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

Lines by Shen Quan-qi
za shi shen quan qi

Lines by Shen Quan-qi

Against the City of the Yellow DragonOur troops were sent long years ago,And

When Lu Lun my cousin comes for the night by Si Kong-shu
xi wai di lu lun jian su

When Lu Lun my cousin comes for the night by Si Kong-shu

With no other neighbour but the quiet night,Here I live in the same old

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