To vice-prefects li and wang degraded and transferred to xiazhong and changsha

song li shao fu bian xia zhong wang shao fu bian chang sha
What are you thinking as we part from one another,
Pulling in our horses for the stirrup-cups?
Do these tear-streaks mean Wu Valley monkeys all weeping,
Or wildgeese returning with news from Heng Mountain? …
On the river between green maples an autumn sail grows dim,
There are only a few old trees by the wall of the White God City…
But the year is bound to freshen us with a dew of heavenly favour -
Take heart, we shall soon be together again!

Original Poem:

嗟君此别意何如? 驻马衔杯问谪居。
巫峡啼猿数行泪, 衡阳归雁几封书。
青枫江上秋帆远, 白帝城边古木疏。
圣代即今多雨露, 暂时分手莫踌躇。



This poem is the poet was Fengqiu county lieutenant, soon resigned, as sympathetic to the people of the county lieutenant deep taste of its pain, to send off friends Li Shaofu, Wang Shaofu deposed to serve as a county lieutenant, and send consolation.

Because of the poet’s attachment to Li and Wang’s feelings of separation, he invites his two friends to unsaddle their horses and drink the wine of separation, asks his friends where they have been relegated to, and talks about their feelings of separation.

The last line expresses his relief and hope for his friend. The three of us must be separated for a while, so we should not be bitter and worried, and should work and live positively, waiting for the time to be reappointed. It can be seen that the poet is more satisfied with the governance of the dynasty at that time and more optimistic about the future of the country.

This poem sends off two friends at the same time, and the lyrical and scenic writing adopts the method of writing at the beginning and the end together and writing in the middle. It utilizes a variety of ways of expression, such as narrative, lyricism, landscape writing and discussion. The scenery of the poem is suitable for the time, the place and the event, and the material is unique.

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