A message to Meng Hao-ran

zeng meng hao ran
Master, I hail you from my heart,
And your fame arisen to the skies.
Renouncing in ruddy youth the importance of hat and chariot,
You chose pine-trees and cloud s; and now, white-haired,
Drunk with the moon, a sage of dreams,
Flower-bewitched, you are deaf to the Emperor
High mountain, how I long to reach you,
Breathing your sweetness even here!

Original Poem:




This poem was written around the time when Li Bai was living in Anlu, Hubei Province (727 – 736 AD). During this period, Li Bai often traveled around the area and became acquainted with Meng Haoran and formed a deep friendship with him. The poem summarizes Meng Haoran’s life as a recluse, enthusiastically praises Meng Haoran’s character of being indifferent to fame and fortune, and shows the poet’s deep affection for Meng Haoran, as well as the poet’s own spiritual realm.

The first two lines of the poem open the door and express my feelings: I respect Meng Haoran’s solemnity and dashing, and he is noble, suave and famous all over the world.

The third and fourth lines summarize Meng Haoran’s style for most of his life. When he was a young man, he despised merit and fame, and in his later years he lived in seclusion among the green pines and white clouds. The picture of a dashing hermit’s demeanor is vividly drawn, and it does have a bit of unearthly charm.

The fifth and sixth sentences, from the cross-section of the description of Meng Haoran in the moonlight drinking often intoxicated, obsessed with the scenery is not willing to serve the king of the hermit life.

In the end, he expresses his admiration for Meng Haozi again: How can I look up to you when your character is like a high mountain? I can only bow to you here and admire your fragrant virtues.

The poem is organized by feelings, with clear clues, and expresses the poet’s admiration in a tone of stretching and singing. The whole poem is natural and bold, neat and fluent, with a far-reaching meaning.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Li Bai

Li Bai (李白), 701 ~ 762 A.D., whose ancestral home was in Gansu, was preceded by Li Guang, a general of the Han Dynasty. Tang poetry is one of the brightest constellations in the history of Chinese literature, and one of the brightest stars is Li Bai.

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