Recommend yourself like MaoSui

mao sui zi jian

Idiom Explanation:

Recommend yourself like MaoSui, self-recommendation for a particular job.


máo suì zì jiàn




During the Warring States period, the Qin army defeated the Zhao army on the Changping front. Bai Qi, the main general of Qin army, led his troops to pursue the victory and surrounded Handan, the capital of Zhao. The situation of the state of Zhao was very critical. Zhao Sheng, the king of Ping Yuan, was ordered by the king of Zhao to go to Chu to ask for troops to relieve the siege. The king gathered his disciples together and chose 20 talented men and women to go with him. He picked and chose, but finally one man was still missing.
At that moment, a man named Mao Sui came up and said, “I hope you will use Mao Sui to make up the number of men to go.” The king of Ping Yuan said, “How many years have you been under Zhao Sheng?” Mao Sui said, “It has been three years now.” Lord Ping Yuan said, “When a wise and capable scholar is in the world, it is like an awl in a bag, the tip of which will immediately appear. Now, you have been under Zhao Sheng’s tutelage for three years, but the people around you have not praised you, nor has Zhao Sheng heard any praise, because you have no talent. Therefore, you cannot go together, please stay!” Mao Sui said, “I only asked to be in the bag today. If I had been in the bag long ago, I would have been like the tip of the ears of grass, and the whole tip would have been exposed, not just the tip alone.” Hiranyuan was finally convinced and agreed to go with Mao Sui. The nineteen disciples, however, mocked Mao Sui with glances at each other.

When they arrived at Chu, the king of Chu received only Lord Ping Yuan alone. The two of them sat in the hall and talked from morning to noon without any result. Mao Sui took a big step up the dais and shouted up from afar, “The matter of sending troops is either good or bad, either bad or good, simple and clear, why is it discussed but not decided?” The king of Chu was very annoyed and asked the king of plain, “Who is this man?” King Ping Yuan replied, “This man’s name is Mao Sui, and he is my disciple!” The king of Chu shouted, “Go down quickly! I am talking with your master, why are you here?” When Mao Sui saw that the king of Chu was angry, instead of retreating, he walked up a few steps. He pressed his sword in his hand and said, “Now within ten steps, the king’s life is in my hands!” Seeing that Mao Sui was so brave, the king of Chu did not rebuke him again and listened to Mao Sui’s speech. Mao Sui then gave a very insightful analysis of the reasoning behind sending troops to help Zhao in favor of Chu. The king of Chu was convinced by Mao Sui’s words and promised to send troops immediately. Within a few days, Chu and Wei jointly sent troops to help Zhao. The Qin army retreated. After returning to Zhao, the king of Ping Yuan treated Mao Sui as his guest. He said with great admiration, “Once Mr. Mao arrived, the king of Chu dared not underestimate the state of Zhao.”

This is the origin of the idiom “Mao Sui recommended himself”.

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