Big and fat belly

da fu pian pian

Idiom Explanation:

Big and fat belly, describing a person who is very obese, also can describe someone who is physically obese but has an empty heart.


dà fù pián pián




During the reign of Emperor Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a scholar named Bian Shao in Chenliu County, with the word Xiao Xian. He was more talented, so before he became an official, he taught hundreds of students in Chenliu County.

In addition to his talent, Bian Shao was also a good talker. He never failed to answer a question when he talked and lectured. But he has a problem, is love to doze off. Because he is fat, his stomach is big, dozing off, students look at his appearance is very funny.

One day, he dozed off again with his clothes. His students privately made up a jingle to ridicule him: “Bian Xiao Xian, belly poo, lazy reading, but want to sleep.” The meaning is: Bian Xiao Xian is a big belly, too lazy to read, but only want to sleep.

Unexpectedly, when Bian Shao woke up, he quickly learned the jingle and immediately made up a few jingles in reply: “Bian is the surname and Xiao is the character. Belly poo, king scriptures. When I want to sleep, I think about the scriptures. Sleeping and the Duke of Zhou to dream, quiet and Confucius agree. Teacher and can be mocked, out of what canonical record?” It means: Bian is my surname and Xiao is my word. Big belly, is the bamboo box containing the five scriptures. I just want to sleep and go to think about the Five Classics. You can meet Zhou Gong Dan in your sleep, and have the same mind as Confucius when you are quiet. The teacher can mock, which classic is this rule from?

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