How do you get a tiger cub without entering a tiger’s lair?

bu ru hu xue yan de hu zi

Idiom Explanation:

Originally, it means that one cannot achieve success without experiencing a dangerous situation, but now it also refers to the fact that one cannot understand things or achieve significant success without experiencing hard practice.


bù rù hǔ xué,yān dé hǔ zǐ




In 73 A.D., Dou Gu, a senior retainer of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was ordered to conquer the Xiongnu, and Ban Chao, aged forty-one, was appointed as a false secretary. During this campaign, Ban Chao was highly appreciated by Dou Gu for his war achievements. Soon, Dou Gu sent him to the western region together with Guo Xun, a senior counselor in the army.

Ban Chao took 36 warriors with him and first came to Shanshan Kingdom. The king treated them with respect and courtesy at first, but suddenly became cold within a few days. Ban Chao and his men thought that it must be because the king was uncertain which side to obey when the emissaries from the Xiongnu in the north arrived. So they called the Hu who had received them and fraudulently said, “The Xiongnu emissary has been here for a few days, where is he at this moment?”

The Hu was terrified and confessed the actual situation, proving Ban Chao’s judgment was correct. Ban Chao confined the Hu man and then gathered all the thirty-six warriors to drink, and when they were drinking freely, Ban Chao provoked everyone and said, “You and I are all here in this extremely distant place, trying to make great achievements in order to get rich and famous. Now it has only been a few days since the Xiongnu emissary came here, and the king’s courtesy and respect for us has ended. If he arrests us and sends us to the Huns, then even our bones will be eaten by the jackals. You see, what about this?”

His subordinates expressed the same will: “Now that we are at a critical juncture, we will obey your orders, dead or alive.” Ban Chao made up his mind and said, “Okay, we cannot mention the little tiger without entering the tiger cave. There is only one way out at hand, that is to take advantage of the darkness and attack the people sent by the Huns with fire. They don’t know how many of us there are and must be very shocked, so that they can all be destroyed. After eliminating these enemies, the king will be scared out of his wits, we have accomplished our great work and our cause is established.”

Everyone agreed with Ban Chao’s plan of action, but then suggested that this matter should be discussed with Guo Xun. Ban Chao was furious and said, “Whether it is foul or lucky is decided today. Guo Xun, a weak and vulgar official, will surely be afraid when he hears about this and will reveal our plan, so we will die in vain and fail to be good men.”

Everyone agreed with Ban Chao’s view. That night, when a strong wind was blowing, Ban Chao led his warriors to the Xiongnu emissary’s quarters quietly. He arranged ten warriors with drums to hide behind the Xiongnu emissary’s house and agreed with them that they would beat the drums and shout when they saw the fire burning. The rest of the warriors were armed and ambushed on both sides of the gate.

The next day, Ban Chao told Guo Xun about this, and Guo Xun was shocked to hear this. Ban Chao immediately said to him, “Although you did not take part in the action, but where would I take the credit for it? Guo Xun was very happy to hear this. Then, Ban Chao went to see the king of Shanshan and showed him the head of Xiongnu. The king was so frightened that he didn’t know what to do. Ban Chao explained to him and soothed him. Thus, the king finally decided to turn to the side of the Han Dynasty and sent his son to the Han Dynasty as a hostage.

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