Adieu à un ami pour l’est

song shen zi fu zhi jiang dong
Peu de voyageurs passent la rivière,
Mais le batelier rame à l’est encor.
Seule ma pensée à teinte printanière
Vous accompagne au sud et au nord.

Poème chinois:



Explication du poème:

This poem is written by the author in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to send Shen Zifu downstream to return to Jiangdong.

In the first two lines, the willows at the ferry are still standing, the passengers are few, and the boatman swings up his oar and sails to Linqi.

The boatman swung his oar and sailed to Linqi. This points out the time and place of the farewell. The willow ferry is a realistic description of the spring scenery, which not only sets the stage for the following parting thoughts, but also renders the atmosphere of the farewell. On the willow ferry, in the springtime, I parted with my friend, and I felt particularly depressed. The travelers are more and more scarce, only the poet is still standing in the ferry, reluctant to see off his friends far away.

The last two lines: my lovesickness is like the color of spring, from the south of the river to the north of the river to send you home.

Describes the friend has taken the boat far away, the poet looked at both sides of the river, peach and willow, green, blue grass like felt, spring light is pleasant, at this time, he had a strange thought, feel the heart infinite attachment to the feeling of parting, as in front of the eyes of the ubiquitous, boundless spring color, from the south to the north of the river, and together with the return of the friend to go.

Traducteur de poésie:

Xu Yuan-chong

À propos du poète:

Wang Wei

Wang Wei (王维), 701 – 761 après J.-C., était originaire de Yuncheng, dans la province de Shanxi. Ses poèmes de paysages et d’idylles, aux images d’une grande portée et aux significations mystérieuses, ont été largement appréciés par les lecteurs des générations suivantes, mais Wang Wei n’est jamais vraiment devenu un homme de paysages et d’idylles.

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