En una barca en el arroyo cristalino

qing xi fan zhou
EI viajero, sentado junto a un remo,
oye cantar a los labriegos en el ocaso
Ríe, jugueteando con la luna del arroyo;
Quiere recoger más brlllos en las manos.

Texto original:



Antigua práctica:

This poem writes about the poet’s journey on a canoe in a clear stream, and both the characters and the scenery are written vividly and charmingly. The boatman’s song, the poet’s smile, the clear stream and the bright moonlight form a wonderful picture.

The boatman sang a majestic and powerful boat song at twilight, adding infinite interest to the whole nature; the poet was leaning on the oars, infected by the boatman’s song, and smiled when the moon rose to the clear water of the clear stream to fetch the moon, because he wanted to have more of the moon’s clear light, and the character’s free-spiritedness is palpable.

Then look at the scenery. There is a clear stream, there is a boat traveling on the stream, there are laborers’ horns and songs, there is the moon’s clear light, there is the laughter of the characters, what a wonderful environment rich in interest and charm!

Sobre el poeta:

Zhang Xu (张旭) era natural de Suzhou, provincia de Jiangsu. Era adicto al vino y a menudo escribía borracho, además de ser un famoso calígrafo. Su escritura cursiva, junto con la poesía de Li Bai y la danza de espadas de Pei Man, eran conocidas como las «Tres Grandes» de la época.


Chen Guo-jian(陈国坚)

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El río primaveral en una noche de luna y flores

Con las crecidas de primavera,se identifican el río y la mar

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