A greeting on the Huai River to my old friends from Liangchuan by Wei Ying-wu

huai shang xi hui liang chuan gu ren
We used to be companions on the Jiang and the Han,
And as often as we met, we were likely to be tipsy.
Since we left one another, floating apart like clouds,
Ten years have run like water-till at last we join again.
And we talk again and laugh again just as in earlier days,
Except that the hair on our heads is tinged now with grey.
Why not come along, then, all of us together,
And face the autumn mountains and sail along the Huai?

Original Poem:

江汉曾为客, 相逢每醉还。
浮云一别后, 流水十年间。
欢笑情如旧, 萧疏鬓已斑。
何因北归去? 淮上对秋山。



This poem was composed by the poet when he met his late friend from Liangzhou on Huai Shang, fully expressing the joy of reunion after a long time of separation.

The first line recalls the past and summarizes the friendship in the past. Ten years ago, the poet and this old friend in the Liangzhou Jianghan area often get together to drink, to tell the song of the heart, only to feel that the wine meets the friend of a thousand cups less, each time a big drunk and return. The reunion of old friends with such a deep friendship after a long time of separation must be very emotional.

The first line directly expresses the sadness of being separated for ten years. The two friends’ whereabouts are uncertain, and the years pass easily, ten years’ time is as hasty as running water. The poet uses the metaphor of “floating clouds” to describe the uncertainty of two people’s behavior, and the metaphor of “flowing water” to describe the passing of years.

The neck line follows on from the previous two lines, which are happy to have the chance to see each other today and lament the fact that they have grown old. Today we are still laughing, like ten years ago, also have a drink, also have a song; but “ten years” of time must cause the sensitive poet’s sadness, ten years of wandering career, make two friends through all the hardships, make two friends two sideburns thin.

Concluding sentence to cross-examine for turn, and talked about the current homecoming. The deceased will return, why the poet does not return? It turns out that the poet has long been in love with the autumn mountains on the Huaihuai, so, old but not return. This is a surprising and memorable ending.

The poem adopts the combination of the present and the past to write, from the time of meeting to the memories of ten years ago, and from today’s happy meeting to the bumps in the road after parting, which fully expresses the complex feelings of joy and sadness, and the language is simple and naturally reveals the true feelings.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Wei Ying-wu

Wei Yingwu (韦应物), circa 737 – 786, was a native of Chang’an, Beijing. His poems were collected in the Wei Suzhou Collection, which included poems concerned with the plight of the people, expressions of disobedience to the times and indignation against the world, and descriptions of idyllic landscapes, etc., of which the ones describing idyllic landscapes are the most famous, and have been sung by posterity in particular.

East of the town by Wei Ying-wu
dong jiao

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