A farewell in the evening rain to Li Cao by Wei Ying-wu

fu de mu yu song li cao
Is it raining on the river all the way to Chu? ---
The evening bell comes to us from Nanjing.
Your wet sail drags and is loath to be going
And shadowy birds are flying slow.
We cannot see the deep ocean-gate --
Only the boughs at Pukou, newly dripping.
Likewise, because of our great love,
There are threads of water on our faces.

Original Poem:

楚江微雨里, 建业暮钟时。
漠漠帆来重, 冥冥鸟去迟。
海门深不见, 浦树远含滋。
相送情无限, 沾襟比散丝。



This poem is a poem of twilight rain made by the poet after experiencing the farewell of his friend Li Hui by the Yangtze River in Nanjing. The poem truly depicts the hazy scenery of smoke and rain, emphasizing the bleak and clear realm and the hidden emotion of sadness and sadness.

The first line explains that the place of farewell is by the Yangtze River outside Nanjing, the time of farewell is in the evening, and the scene of farewell is in the misty rain. It paves the way for the following depressing atmosphere and gray color.

The first line follows the depressing atmosphere of the previous line, writing about the heaviness that the drizzle brings to everything. In the vapor haze, the sails are slow and strained; in the evening on a rainy day, the rain is misty, and the birds are struggling to fly quickly with their wings uplifted.

The neck line still follows the first line, implying a sad farewell. The sea gate is far away and cannot be seen. Trees on both sides of the Yangtze River are full of water vapor, seem to understand the mood of sending others, but also be touched. The poet’s artistic sense is keen, through the detailed description, give people the feeling of twilight rain in front of them, and let people view the moving picture of the return of the boat in the smoke and rain.

Conclusion of the scene that is the scene of material, direct expression of the heart, feelings of separation gushed out. After the first six lines of the poem written and rendered, the poet in the rain, twilight, heavy sails, late birds, the sea gate, Pu trees and other scenery woven picture, the stagnant and confused natural scenery and the poet sadly separated emotions are intertwined, the poet can no longer help themselves, can not help but weep.

This poem is unique in its selection of materials, always choosing the scenery that you have unique feelings into the poem. The whole poem is closely connected, natural and integrated.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Wei Ying-wu

Wei Yingwu (韦应物), circa 737 – 786, was a native of Chang’an, Beijing. His poems were collected in the Wei Suzhou Collection, which included poems concerned with the plight of the people, expressions of disobedience to the times and indignation against the world, and descriptions of idyllic landscapes, etc., of which the ones describing idyllic landscapes are the most famous, and have been sung by posterity in particular.

Setting sail on the Yangzi to Secretary Yuan by Wei Ying-wu
chu fa yang zi ji yuan da xiao shu

Setting sail on the Yangzi to Secretary Yuan by Wei Ying-wu

Wistful, away from my friends and kin,Through mist and fog I float and floatWith

At Chuzhou on the western stream by Wang Wei
chu zhou xi jian

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Wistful, away from my friends and kin,Through mist and fog I float and floatWith

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