Li Shangyin

li shang yin

Life Story:

Li Shangyin (813-858 AD) was a native of Qinyang City, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. When he was a young man, his situation was extremely difficult, and he lost his father at the age of nine. In 829 AD, Li Shangyin was nineteen years old when he was appointed as an inspector by Linghu Chu, a minister of the Tianping Festival. Li Shangyin was nineteen years old at the time, and Linghu Chu admired his literary talent and asked him to study the modern style of writing together with his son, Linghu Zhu. In the sixth year of the Dahuo era, Li Shangyin went to Taiyuan with Linghu Chu.

In 837 A.D., Li Shangyin took the rank of jinshi. After the death of Linghu Chu, Li Shangyin joined the Jingyuan Minister Wang Maoyuan, who appreciated him enough to marry his daughter. Wang Maoyuan was Li Deyu’s man. In this way, Li Shangyin fell into the vortex of the Niu-Li party dispute, and from then on, he had a rough life.

In 842 A.D., he was awarded the title of Secretary Province.

In 847 A.D., Li Shangyin joined the Gui Guan Guan Observation Envoy’s Office, and became a branch envoy and secretary. Dazhong three years, for the Wuning Festival Lu Hong stop judge, five years, into the dynasty as a doctor of taixue, spinning Liu zhongying curtain, for the festival judge. Dazhong nine years, with Liu returned to the dynasty, eleven years as salt and iron magistrate. As can be seen, Li Shangyin bent under the bureaucrats, most of the time living a wandering life of wandering as a ping pong.

Literary Achievements:

In literature, Li Shangyin was a great man of the Late Tang Dynasty, excelling in ekphrasis and especially in poetry. Li Shangyin’s poetry was on a par with Du Mu, known as “Little Li Du”, and with Wen Tingjun, known as “Wen Li”. According to some statistics, among the ten kinds of Tang poems chosen by the Tang Dynasty, Li Shangyin’s poems were selected from the collection of “And Xuan Collection” and “Talent Collection”, especially the collection of 40 poems selected from the collection of “Talent Collection”, which is more than Li Bai’s 28 poems and Bai Juyi’s 27 poems. Li Shangyin’s position in the poetry world of the Tang Dynasty can be seen.

Han Yu’s poems were written as poems, which was a new way of writing. Li Shangyin’s ekphrasis is fresh and upright, with both parallelism and prose, and is full of charm. But his outstanding achievement was of course poetry. Li Shangyin’s poems were written in the form of songs and poems, attacking the ills of the times, reciting history, or sending friends a farewell.

Li Shangyin’s masterpieces are numerous, and his poems such as “A note on a rainy night to a friend in the north” and “Jia Sheng” are very popular. Li Shangyin’s untitled poems, such as “Jinse”, used the technique of simile to express his sincere and intense feelings, creating a hazy realm and opening up a new world for Tang poetry. Li Shangyin was the author of 20 volumes of Fannan A Collection and B Collection, three volumes of Poems of Yuxiang Sheng, one volume of Fugue, one volume of Literature, and one volume of Miscellaneous Compilations. The collected works have been lost, but there is a compilation of them, and the poems and miscellaneous compilations have been passed on to the present day. His biography can be found in the Old Book of Tang, the New Book of Tang, the Chronicle of Tang Poetry, and the Biography of Tang Talents.

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