Hesitantly holding the chess piece

Hesitantly holding the chess piece
Chinese Idiom: Hesitantly holding the chess piece


Holding the chess pieces, not knowing which move to make. It is a metaphor for indecision and uncertainty.

Idiom Pronunciation:

jǔ qí bú dìng




During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the state of Wei, Duke Wei Xian, was brutal and unethical, causing discontent among the people. Later, Sun Wenzi and Ning Huizi, the rulers of the state of Wei, staged a coup and ousted Duke Wei Xian from power and installed Duke Wei Zhan. Before he died, Ning Huizi felt that he was wrong and called his son Ning Daozi to him, saying, “I drove Duke Xian out of the state of Wei, after my death, you must bring him back.” After saying that, he died.

When Duke Xian of Wei, who had been in exile, heard that Ning Huizi had died, he started his campaign to restore the state. He sent someone to contact Ning Huizi and promised that he would let Ning Huizi take power after he returned to his country, and that he would not care about the dynastic affairs, but only about the temple and rituals. Ning Daozi was somewhat moved and conferred with the ministers.

All of them opposed. The problem was that although Wei Xian had been in exile for many years, his cruel and tyrannical temper remained unchanged. Everyone did not believe in his character either, so they raised objections. One of them said, “Twelve years ago, your Ning family expelled Duke Wei Xian, and there was nothing wrong with that. But now they want to bring back Duke Wei Xian, which I think is very dangerous. It is like playing chess, if a player is uncertain, he will lose. It is even more so for the abolition or establishment of a king. Indecision will lead to the destruction of your family.”

Ning did not listen to his advice and welcomed back Duke Wei Xian. Later, as fate would have it, Duke Wei Xian killed Ning’s whole family.

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