Liu Zhangqing

liu zhang qing

Liu Zhangqing (? -786 AD) was a native of Xian County, Hebei Province. When he was young, he studied at Songshan Mountain, and later moved to Poyang (present-day Jiangxi), where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in 733 AD. In the middle of Zhide, he became a judge of the transit ambassador. He was falsely accused of committing the crime of stolen goods by Wu Zhongru, who was in Gusu Prison for a long time, and was demoted, but some people defended him and moved him to Mutsu Prefecture as the Secretary of the Department of Justice. The official finally Hubei Suizhou County assassin, so his poetry and literature collection called “Liu Suizhou collection”.

Liu Zhangqing was only three years later than Wang Wei when he passed his bachelor’s degree, and he should belong to the poets of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. However, his poems were famous after the Shangyuan and Baoying eras, so literary history classifies him as a poet of the Middle Tang Dynasty. In fact, among the poets of the Middle Tang Dynasty, he was a predecessor. His poems also belonged to the school of Wang and Meng, and he was most famous for his five-character poems, and he was also the most conceited, once thinking that he was “the Great Wall of five-character poems”, which meant that no one could surpass him.

Li Yi
li yi

Li Yi

Li Yi (李益), 748-829 AD, a native of Wuwei in Gansu Province, was one of the

On seeing Wang leave for the south
jian bie wang shi yi nan you

On seeing Wang leave for the south

Toward a mist upon the waterStill I wave my hand and sob,For the flying bird is

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