Passing through Huayin

xing jing hua yin
Lords of the capital, sharp, unearthly,
The Great Flower's three points pierce through heaven.
Clouds are parting above the Temple of the Warring Emperor,
Rain dries on the mountain, on the Giant's Palm.
Ranges and rivers are the strength of this western gate,
Whence roads and trails lead downward into China.
...O pilgrim of fame, O seeker of profit,
Why not remain here and lengthen your days?

Original Poem:

岧峣太华俯咸京, 天外三峰削不成。
武帝祠前云欲散, 仙人掌上雨初晴。
河山北枕秦关险, 驿树西连汉畤平。
借问路傍名利客, 无如此处学长生。



Huayin is the necessary route from Bianliang to Chang’an. The author traveled here, was impressed by the majesty of Mount Huashan, convinced by the magic of nature, and couldn’t help but be skeptical of the world’s busy pursuit of fame and fortune.

Towering Mount Hua towering into the clouds, overlooking Chang’an, magnificent; Lotus, Jade, star three peaks straight into the sky, not manpower can cut. Rain or shine in the mountains, cloudy, in front of the Emperor’s Shrine, the white clouds, the sky is hidden, cactus peaks on the cliffs of thousands of Ren, verdant. Huashan after the rain, fresh and moist, the weather.

The Yellow River Huashan north of Hangu Pass, the narrow, long stagecoach road west of the Han Dynasty altar of the plains, Huashan and its surrounding attractions together, forming a remote and majestic mood.

Finally, the scene of the feeling. Western Mount Hua’s majestic and beautiful, so that the poet suddenly feel busy all day for the name and profit is so boring, life is short, nature is beautiful, why not go back to hide in the mountains, enjoy life, to pursue the true meaning of life.

The whole poem is written at different levels, magnificent, magnificent realm, strong writing. The ending of the poem is a twisted, elegant, and interesting one.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Cui Hao

Cui Hao (崔颢), A.D. ? – 754, a native of Kaifeng, Henan Province. He was admitted as a scholar in 723 AD. At that time, Cui Hao was well known, along with Wang Changling, Gao Shi, Meng Haoran, and Wang Wei.

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