A farewell to Li Duan by Lu Lun

song li duan
By my old gate, among yellow grasses,
Still we linger, sick at heart.
The way you must follow through cold clouds
Will lead you this evening into snow.
Your father died; you left home young;
Nobody knew of your misfortunes.
We cry, we say nothing. what can i wish you,
In this blowing wintry world?

Original Poem:

故关衰草遍, 离别正堪悲。
路出寒云外, 人归暮雪时。
少孤为客早, 多难识君迟。
掩泪空相向, 风尘何处期。



This is a touching poem.

It is written in the atmosphere of a farewell setting, starting from the withered weeds, and the time of the year should be in the severe winter. The withered weeds on the outskirts of the countryside are shaking against the cold wind, and the four fields are pale, a desolate scene. In such an environment to send off friends, naturally greatly enhanced the feelings of parting.

Then write the farewell scene, still tightly “sad” word. The old man along the road gradually away from the road, due to the cloudy, low canopy, vaguely look, the road seems to stick out of the cold clouds. Here is the farewell scene, but into the heavy reluctance to part with the feelings of farewell.

Recollections of the past, sighing life, or closely around a “sad” word. The poet sent away the deceased, a thousand thoughts, a hundred mixed feelings, can not help but produce the feelings of the present to recall the past. Life is less lonely has been a great misfortune, not to mention the end of Tianbao because of the turmoil, their own far away from the country, after wandering and wandering, and difficult to find a soulmate. These two lines are not only sentimental about the personal world, but also reflect the side of the era of turmoil and people in the turmoil of uprooted from their hometowns in the difficult life.

Poet in the experience of the embarrassing farewell scene, recalled the past is not overly sad, more feel to the friend of the reluctant to part, can not help but turn back to the faraway, cover the face and weeping; however, friends are gone, look away, cover the face and weeping is futile, the only hope is the next time to meet each other as soon as possible.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the poet:

Lu Lun

Lu Lun (卢纶), 748 – 798 A.D., was a native of Yongji, Shanxi Province, and was one of the “Ten Scholarly Men of the Dali Dynasty”. Lu Lun was a judge of the Marshal’s Office in Hezhong, and he served as the inspector of the Ministry of Revenue. His poems were more eloquent and liberal,

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