After the day of no fire

han shi
Petals of spring fly all through the city
From the wind in the willows of the Imperial River.
And at dusk, from the palace, candles are given out
To light first the mansions of the Five Great Lords.

Original Poem:

春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。



Since the An Shi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, the regime was gradually manipulated by eunuchs. The poem selects a set of shots of the upper privileged society from the scenery of Chang’an Cold Food Festival, and through the fact that the Emperor’s special favour is given to the family of the Fire Marquis for the cold food, it depicts a picture of the social customs which is very rich in political colours.

The poem’s artistic technique is characterised by its shallow language and deep meaning, seemingly praising but actually derogating, with subtle sarcasm implied in the bright and beautiful imagery, making it a famous piece of Tang poetry on the Cold Food Festival.

About Author:

Han hong (韩翃), whose date of birth and death is unknown, was a native of Nanyang (present-day Nanyang, Henan). In 754 A.D., Han hong was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree, and worked in the office of Hou Xiyi, then lived in Chang’an for ten years. In 780 AD, he was promoted to the post of “Gaobu Langzhong” (驾部郎中) and “Zhiqun” (知制诰) in the Ministry of Transportation, and then to the post of “Zhongshu Sheyan” (中書舍人). Han hong was one of the “Ten Scholarly Men of the Dali Dynasty”, and his poems were written in a light style, with chic landscapes, and most of the subjects were farewell songs and harmonies.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

An autumn evening harmonizing cheng qin’s poem
chou cheng yan qiu ye ji shi jian zeng

An autumn evening harmonizing cheng qin’s poem

While a cold wind is creeping under my mat, And the city's naked wall grows pale

To experience joys and sufferings together
tong gan gong ku

To experience joys and sufferings together

Idiom Explanation: The metaphor is to enjoy joy and happiness together and to

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