After three days, someone has made great progress in growth

shi bie san ri gua mu xiang kan

Idiom Explanation:

After three days, someone has made great progress in growth, it means that others have made progress and should be looked at differently.


shì bié sān rì , guā mù xiāng kàn


北宋·司马光《资治通鉴》:《孙权劝学》 :初,权谓吕蒙曰:“卿今当涂掌事,不可不学!”蒙辞以军中多务。权 曰:“孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪!但当涉猎,见往事耳。 卿言多务,孰若孤?孤常读书,自以为大有所益。”蒙乃始就学。及鲁肃过寻阳,与蒙论议,大惊曰:“卿今者才略,非复吴下阿蒙!”蒙曰:“士别三日,即更刮目相待。“


During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a famous general named Lu Meng in the state of Wu. He was very brave in leading troops to war and followed Sun Quan to fight in the north and south, making a great contribution to the founding of the state of Eastern Wu. However, this brave general had not studied since childhood, so he had very little ink in his stomach, acted rudely, and did not know much about manners. Therefore, everyone called him “Wu Xia Meng”.

One day, Sun Quan, the lord of Wu, invited Lu Meng and said to him, “Now you are a person of prestige and power in the court, you can’t be without knowledge, it’s not enough to talk only about martial arts, you should read more and increase your knowledge to live up to the expectations! Lu Meng said, “I am busy all day in the barracks, there are endless military affairs, where there is time to read books? In the past, I didn’t read, but I still led my troops to victory in battle.”

“No,” Sun Quan patiently enlightened him, “it’s not right to use the excuse of being busy with military affairs to stop reading. I have to worry about everything in the court, but I still find time to study. Since I crossed the river, I have found time to read the “Book of History”, “Book of Han” and various military books. Of course I’m not telling you to read all day and not ask about military affairs, but I just want you to look at the experience left by your predecessors, expand some eyesight and enrich yourself, which will be very helpful for you to lead the army in the future ……”. “You are right, I suddenly remembered that Emperor Guangwu was also a diligent and studious person, he was in the military life of the military, his hands have never left the books …… I want to follow his example, hard work to study ah!”

So, Sun Quan pulled a string of book titles for him to read some books systematically. Lu Meng was a general who did what he said he would do, and from then on he did insist on reading every day, sometimes late into the night. He would even take advantage of the lull in the war to read and study seriously. After reading more books, his insight also improved a lot.

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