Outstanding people and  intelligential place

ren jie di ling

Idiom Explanation:

It means that Outstanding people and  intelligential places, they made each other better.


rén jié dì líng




On September 9, 675 A.D., Yan Boyu, the governor of Hongzhou, rebuilt the Tengwang Pavilion for the first time, and after its completion, he gave a banquet to guests here, and collected literary scholars to write essays. Wang Bo happened to be passing by and was invited to attend. Because of his young age, he was placed in an inconspicuous seat. Yan Dudu’s son-in-law was a good writer, so Yan Dudu asked him to write a preface in advance so that he could show off in public.

When everyone was full of wine, Yan Dudu stood up and said: “Today, the literati and elegant people of Hongzhou are gathered together, so we cannot write down this event without an article. After the words, the waiter put the paper and pencil in front of everyone.

People know Yan Dudu’s intention, deliberately humble excuses not to write. Later, when it was put in front of Wang Bo, Wang Bo took the paper and pencil and bowed his head in contemplation. After a while, Wang Bo rolled up his cuffs and waved his brush to write. Yan Dugu was not too happy to see that it was a teenager who was writing, so he walked out of the hall and looked at the river scene from the railing, and instructed his attendant to copy the sentences written by Wang Bo to him at any time.

After a while, the attendant copied the first two lines of the Preface to Tengwangge: “The old county of Yuzhang is the new capital of Hongdu. The stars are divided into wings and squares, and the earth is connected to Henglu.” The meaning of these four lines is: the place where Tengwangge is located used to belong to the county of Yuzhang, but now it belongs to your Hongzhou Prefecture. The direction in the sky belongs to the division of the two stars of wing and square, and the location on the ground is connected to Mount Heng and Mount Lu. Yan Dudu looked at it and thought it was just a cliché, anyone would write it, and dismissed it with a smile. In fact, these sixteen words to Nanchang’s history and geography of the overview are clearly explained, vertical and horizontal, the start of the pen is extraordinary.

Then, the attendant copied two more lines: “The three rivers and the five lakes, control the barbarian Jing and lead Ou Yue.” Yan Dudu was a little surprised when he looked at them. He thought, this young man took three rivers (Jing River, Xiang River and Zhejiang River) as his lapel, and five lakes (Tai Lake, Poyang Lake, Qingcao Lake, Danyang Lake and Dongting Lake) as his belt, controlling the vast Chu land in the south and leading the fertile Yue land in the east, so he had the air of being a pivotal figure and twisting the heaven and earth. It is impossible to write such an ambitious sentence without a big heart and a big hand.

The attendant then copied up a few sentences, more Yan Dudu eat plunder: “Things are beautiful and heavenly, dragon light shooting cattle market; people are excellent, Xu Ru under the couch of Chen Fan.” It turns out that Wang Bo used two allusions here. The first allusion is to say that things have essence, the sky has treasures, the light of the Dragon Spring Sword shoots directly into the sky between the twenty-eight stars of the Dou and the Bull. It means that there is a strange treasure in Hongzhou. The latter allusion is that Xu Ru, a poor man from Nanchang in the Eastern Han Dynasty, did not want to be an official, but he was good friends with Chen Fan, the governor. Chen Fan specially set up a couch for receiving Xu Ru. It means that there are outstanding talents in Hongzhou.

The more Yan Dudu looked at it, the more he admired it, and praised it “Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful article is rare!” Never let his son-in-law take out the pre-written preface again. After Wang Bo finished writing it, he went to Yan Dudu and said humbly, “I hope you can enlighten me on my ugly work.” Yan Dudu was pleased with him and said, “You are really a genius of today!” So he resumed his seat, and Dugu Yan made Wang Bo his honored guest and sat with him personally.

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