Huangliang Dream

Huangliang Dream
Chinese Idiom: Huangliang Dream

Idiom Explanation:

A good dream during the short time when the millet rice is not yet cooked, it is a metaphor for illusions, empty dreams and the breaking of desires.


huáng liáng měi mèng

Origin book:


Origin Story:

During the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Lu, who was known as Lu Sheng. In that year, Lu Sheng was going to the capital to get his scholarship, and when he arrived in Handan, it was already noon. So he found an inn in the north of Handan and stayed there to rest his feet. It so happened that Lu Weng, a Taoist priest, was also staying in the inn. So Lu Sheng and Lü Weng sat down on a mat and talked about everything.

Lu Sheng looked at his shabby clothes and said with a sigh, “I am a scholar, I should have gotten a scholarship early and become a high official to live my life happily. But I didn’t have the good luck, and I’m still so poor now. Hearing Lu Sheng’s words, Lu Weng smiled and said, “Isn’t it good for us to be like this? But you want to get the glory and wealth, I can satisfy your desire.” Saying that, he took out a green magnetic pillow from his satchel and handed it to Lu Sheng, saying, “If you sleep on this pillow, you will have everything.”

At that time, the owner of the store was making a fire to cook rice, and the washed yellow rice was just put into the pot. Lu Sheng pillowed on the green magnetic pillow given to him by Lu Weng, and soon fell into dreamland. Lu Sheng dreamed that he first married a rich lady, and his wife was not only beautiful, but also accompanied by many things, and the family soon became rich. The next year, he went to the capital and won the entrance examination, and soon became a governor in the capital. Later, he was rewarded by the emperor for his merits in leading the war and became the highest chancellor official in the court, holding the power in the court. He ate the delicacies of the mountains and sea and lived in the pavilions and pavilions. He was surrounded by soldiers and horses when he went out and accompanied by beautiful women when he came back. He had 5 sons, all of whom were learned and talented, and all of whom became officials. His five sons had more than a dozen grandchildren, so he really had a full house of children and grandchildren, and enjoyed the luxurious and rich life on earth. He lived for more than 80 years before he resigned from the government. At that moment, a rooster crowed and Lu Sheng woke up from his dream. He opened his eyes and saw that Lu Weng was still sitting next to him, with the same worn-out clothes on himself. The yellow rice steamed by the store owner was still hot and not yet cooked!

Lu Sheng was surprised to think that after decades of glory and wealth, it was just a short dream. Lu Sheng laughed and said, “That’s how life is! To truly enjoy glory and wealth, you have to work hard and create it with your own hands.” Now, not far north of Handan City, there is still the Lu Sheng Shrine.

People still use “Huangliang Dream”, “Dream of Huangliang”, “Huangliang Beauty Dream” and “Handan Dream” as a metaphor for unrealistic fantasies or broken desires. The name “Huangliang Dream”, “Dream of Huangliang”and “Dream of Handan” is used to describe the unrealistic fantasy or the destruction of certain desires.

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