To go on a different path with a horse

fen dao yang biao

Idiom Explanation:

To go one’s own way is a metaphor for going one’s own way because of different interests and goals.


fēn dào yáng biāo




During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was a man named Yuan Qi in the Northern Wei Dynasty who was very talented and had built many merits and achievements. The emperor thought highly of him and made him the Duke of Hefei. Yuan Qi had a son named Yuan Zhi. He was a talented but proud young man, and Emperor Xiaowen appreciated him and appointed him as the commandant of Luoyang.

Soon after, Emperor Xiaowen adopted the suggestion of Li Biao, a lieutenant of the imperial court, and moved from Pingcheng, Shanxi (east of Datong, Shanxi) to Luoyang to build the capital. In this way, the Luoyang magistrate became the “Yin of Jingzhao”. In Luoyang, Yuan Zhi, on the basis of his own talent, was very contemptuous of certain dignitaries in the court who were not very learned.

Once, Yuan Zhi went out to play, and it happened that Li Biao’s carriage was coming from the opposite side. As a matter of fact, Yuan Zhi’s official position was smaller than Li Biao’s, so he should have given way to Li Biao, but he always despised Li Biao and refused to give way. When Li Biao saw his insolence, he asked Yuan Zhi in public, “I am a lieutenant of the imperial court, so my official position is bigger than yours, why don’t you give way to me?”

After hearing Li Biao’s words, Yuan Zhi said unconcernedly, “I am a magistrate of Luoyang, and you are just a resident of Luoyang in my eyes, where is the reason for a magistrate to give way to a resident?” They both disagreed with each other and quarreled. So they came to Emperor Xiaowen to reason with him. Li Biao said that he was a “lieutenant of the imperial court”, so how could a magistrate in Luoyang dare to confront him and refuse to give way? Yuanzhi said that he was the governor of the capital and all the people living in Luoyang were listed in his household register, so how could he give way to an imperial lieutenant like an ordinary magistrate?

When Emperor Xiaowen heard their arguments, he felt that they each had their own reasons and could not reprimand any of them, so he smiled and said, “Luoyang, my bounty, should go its separate way. From now on, we can go our separate ways.” It means that Luoyang is my capital city. When I heard this, I felt that you each have your own reasons. I think you can go separately and go your own way, don’t you?

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