Guests come as if they were at home

Guests come as if they were at home
Chinese Idiom: Guests come as if they were at home

When the guests come here, it is like coming back to their own home. Describe the inns, hotels and other hospitality, living and eating comfortably, visitors feel satisfied.

Idiom Pronunciation:

bīn zhì rú guī




Zi Chan was a great official of the state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn Period in China. He was the minister of the state for many years and was in charge of the state of Zheng. In 542 B.C., Zi Chan visited the state of Jin on the order of the Duke of Zheng, bringing many gifts with him. At that time, the Duke of Jin did not welcome the emissary on the pretext of mourning for the state of Lu. So Zi Chan ordered his entourage to tear down the wall of the Jin hotel and then drive in the carriages and horses to place the accompanying articles.

When Duke Ping of Jin learned of this, he was shocked and sent his great minister Shi Wenbo to the hotel to ask Zizhang why he had done so. Shi Wenbo said, “We are the alliance of the vassals, and many officials from the vassals come to visit us. In order to prevent thieves and keep the guests safe, we purposely built this hotel with thick walls. Now that you have torn down the walls, how can you guarantee the safety of the guests of other vassals? Duke Ping of Jin wants to know what is the purpose of your tearing down the fence wall.”

Zi Chan replied, “We, Zheng, are a small state and need to offer tribute to your state. This time, we have brought our treasures from our own country to make a pilgrimage, but your ruler is so busy that he cannot see anyone else and does not know when to allow us to enter. I heard that in the past, when Duke Wen of Jin was the lord of the alliance, he lived in a small palace, but the hotel for receiving the vassals was built in a big and magnificent way. When the guests arrived, everything was taken care of and gifts were quickly offered. He shared with the guests, teaching them what they did not understand and helping them when they were in trouble. The guests came here as if they were at home. However, the palace of the Jin state was several miles long, but the guests of the vassals lived in the house of slaves. There was no way to get a car in at the gate, and there was no clear date for the reception, and we could not climb over the wall to enter. If the walls were not removed and the gifts were left exposed to the sun and night, it would be our sin as messengers. If we are allowed to hand over the gifts, we are willing to repair the wall and return to Zheng.”

When Shi Wenbo returned, he reported to Duke Ping of Jin all the details of Zi Chan’s case. Feeling very ashamed, Duke Ping of Jin immediately ordered his subordinates to summon Zi Chan and gave a grand banquet to the messenger of Zheng with a generous gift in return; in addition, Duke Ping of Jin ordered to rebuild the hotel.

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