The garden of the Golden Valley by Du Mu

jin gu yuan
Stories of passion make sweet dust,
Calm water, grasses unconcerned.
At sunset, when birds cry in the wind,
Petals are falling like a girl s robe long ago.

Original Poem:




This poem is Du Mu in Luoyang tour of the Golden Valley Garden, spring nostalgia.

The prosperity of the Golden Valley Garden, Shi Chong’s luxury, green beads of the fragrance of the death of the jade, as if the dust drifts away, the clouds of smoke over the eye, but only for a moment.

The second sentence writes the scene of the decadence and desolation of the Jingu Garden. The water refers to the golden water flowing through the Jingu Garden from the southeast. The water is still gurgling, the grass is as green as ever, and they have no feeling for the change of things and people.

The third and fourth lines say that in the evening, the wisps of east wind send the chirping of spring birds. The chirping of spring birds is delightful. However, at this time the sun is falling in the west, the night is falling; this place is deserted, coupled with the dusk of the craggy spring wind, in the poet who is indulging in hanging the ancient sadness to listen to, the spring birds chirping is a different kind of mournful and elegance, such as sobbing, as if in the past to talk about the people who fell from the building of the “complaint”.

Du Mu this poem sentence all scenery, to the scene to send feelings, a breath of air, all in one.

About the poet:

Du Mu

Du Mu (杜牧), 803-853 AD, was a native of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. Among the poets of the Late Tang Dynasty, he was one of those who had his own characteristics, and later people called Li Shangyin and Du Mu as “Little Li and Du”. His poems are bright and colorful.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

A night at a tavern by Du Mu
lv su

A night at a tavern by Du Mu

Solitary at the tavern,I am shut in with loneliness and grief

A mooring on the Qin Huai River by Du Mu
bo qin huai

A mooring on the Qin Huai River by Du Mu

Mist veils the cold stream, and moonlight the sand,As I moor in the shadow of a

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