Hiding illness fear of going to the doctor

hui ji ji yi

Idiom Explanation:

To conceal one’s condition and be unwilling to heal. It is a metaphor for concealing one’s shortcomings and mistakes and being unwilling to accept criticism and help.


dāng wù zhī jí




One day, the famous doctor Bian Magpie went to see the Marquis of Cai Huan. After carefully examining Marquis Huan of Cai’s physiognomy, he said, “Your Majesty, you have a disease. The disease is only on the surface of the skin, so treat it quickly and it will be easily cured.” The Marquis of Cai Huan said with disdain, “I am not sick, I don’t need you to cure me!”

After the magpie left, the Marquis of Cai Huan said to his men, “These doctors are always trying to cure people who are not sick, so that they can prove that they are good at healing.” After ten days, Bian Magpie went to visit the Marquis of Cai Huan again. He said anxiously, “Your disease has developed into the muscles. You must hurry up and treat it!” The Marquis of Cai Huan tilted his head and said with great displeasure, “I am not sick at all! Go away!” After the magpie left, the Marquis of Cai Huan was very unhappy.

After another ten days, Bian Magpie went to visit the Marquis of Cai Huan again. He took a look at Marquis Cai Huan’s physique and said anxiously, “Your Majesty, your illness has entered your intestines and cannot be delayed any longer!” Marquis Cai Huan shook his head repeatedly, “What nonsense are you talking about, how can I be sick!” After the magpie left, the Marquis of Cai Huan was even more upset.

After another ten days, Bian Magpie went to visit the Marquis of Cai Huan once again. He only took one look at him, and immediately turned around and left. The Marquis of Cai Huan was very surprised by this, so he sent someone to ask Bian Magpie, “Why did you turn around and leave when you went to visit the king?” Bian Magpie said, “I’m not afraid of being sick, as long as I treat it in time, I will get better. The only fear is that the sick will say they are not sick and refuse to accept the treatment. If you are sick in the skin, you can use hot compresses; if you are sick in the muscles, you can use acupuncture; if you are sick in the stomach and intestines, you can take soup and medicine. But now the king’s disease has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. I dare not ask for a cure for the king anymore.”

Sure enough, five days later, the Marquis of Cai Huan’s illness suddenly struck. He sent for the magpie, but he had already fled to another country. In a short time, the Marquis of Cai Huan died of his illness.

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