Crossing the river together during a storm

tong zhou gong ji

Idiom Explanation:

Crossing the river together in a boat during a storm, the metaphor is to unite and help each other in difficult times, to work together to overcome difficulties.


tóng zhōu gòng jì




During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, Wu and Yue were at war for many years, and the people of both countries regarded each other as enemies.
One day, it happened that the people of Wu and Yue shared a boat to cross the river. When the boat first started, they stared at each other in the boat as if they were going to fight, but when the boat reached the middle of the river, a big storm suddenly came and the boat was in danger of being swallowed by the stormy waves.

In front of the huge wind and waves, in this critical moment of life and death, in order to save their lives, they forgot the hatred between countries and rescued each other, just like a family. Thanks to their concerted efforts, they escaped this natural disaster and the ferry reached the other side of the river safely.

This is the origin of the idiom “in the same boat”. It also means “in the same boat through thick and thin”.

Similar Idioms:

  • 风雨同舟
  • 患难与共
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