Don’t know what the hell someone is talking about

bu zhi suo yun

Idiom Explanation:

Don’t know what the hell someone is talking about, incoherent speech, it also means to speak in a flippant manner.


bù zhī suǒ yún




In 225 A.D., Zhuge Liang led his army to conquer Meng Huo. He captured Meng Huo seven times and released him seven times, and Meng Huo finally surrendered to Shu Han in good faith.

After the south was pacified, Zhuge Liang decided to go out to invade Wei. Before his departure, he wrote a “Table of Departure” to Liu Chan, suggesting the historical lesson of the late Eastern Han Dynasty that the ruling group’s cronyism had led to its downfall, and advising Liu Chan to “be close to the virtuous ministers and far from the villains; be strict in rewarding and punishing, and be open-minded in accepting advice.” Finally, Zhuge Liang writes, “Now that I am far away, I shed tears at the end of the table, not knowing what to do.” This expresses his earnest and emotional feelings.

After everything was arranged, Zhuge Liang led a huge army to the Hanzhong front. The latter lord, Liu Zen, led all the officials to see them off ten miles outside Chengdu.

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