Padding the pillow and sleeping without worries

Padding the pillow and sleeping without worries
Chinese Idiom: Padding the pillow and sleeping without worries

Padding the pillow and sleeping without worries. It is a metaphor for thinking that there is no peace and no worries.

Idiom Pronunciation:

gāozhěn wúyōu




During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a man named Meng Changjun in the state of Qi. He kept 3,000 disciples in his house, and Meng Changjun divided them into upper, middle and lower classes. The upper class had a big meal and a car to ride in when they went out; the middle class only had fish and vegetables; the lower class only had vegetables every day.

One day, Meng Changjun’s friend introduced a man named Feng Deceiver to Meng Changjun’s house. Meng Changjun asked his friend, “What is this Feng Deceiver’s expertise?” His friend thought for a long time and said, “I don’t seem to have any expertise.” When Meng Changjun heard this, he ignored Feng Deceive. When the servants of the house saw Meng Changjun ignoring Feng Deceive, they thought the master despised Feng Deceive and treated Feng Deceive as an inferior guest. Feng Deceive was very unhappy and complained every day, “Since everyone despises me, why don’t I just leave?” When Meng Changjun found out about this, he promoted Feng Deceiver from a lowly retainer to a high ranking retainer and gave Feng Deceiver’s mother food and things to eat.

One day, Meng Changjun’s friend introduced a man named Feng Deceiver to Meng Changjun’s house. Meng Changjun asked his friend, “What is this Feng Deceiver’s expertise?” His friend thought for a long time and said, “I don’t seem to have any expertise.” When Meng Changjun heard this, he ignored Feng Deceive. When the servants of the house saw Meng Changjun ignoring Feng Deceive, they thought the master despised Feng Deceive and treated Feng Deceive as an inferior guest. Feng Deceive was very unhappy and complained every day, “Since everyone despises me, why don’t I just leave?” When Meng Changjun found out about it, he promoted Feng Deceive from a lowly retainer to a high ranking retainer and gave Feng Deceive’s mother food and things to use.

After a short time, Feng Deceive said to Meng Changjun, “A rabbit needs three holes to hide in order to avoid the danger of being hunted by hunters. Now you are living in Xue, just like a rabbit with only one hole, it is very dangerous! In case the king of Qi is not satisfied with you and wants to kill you, you will have no other place to hide. So, you can’t put your pillow up high and sleep in peace now!” When Meng Changjun heard this, “Then what should I do?” Feng Deceive replied, “Leave this matter to me! I will make you have three safe holes to hide in, like a cunning rabbit!”

So Feng Deceive ran to King Hui of Liang, the ruler of Liang, and told him that Lord Meng Chang was very capable. Upon hearing this, King Hui of Liang immediately sent someone with a thousand pounds of gold and a hundred carriages to invite Lord Meng Chang to Liang to be the minister of the state. Next, Feng Deceive returned to Xue before the messenger and advised Meng Changjun not to accept the hiring from Liang. As a result, Liang’s messenger made three trips but failed to invite Meng Changjun there. When the news of Liang’s hiring of Meng Changjun reached Qi, the ruler of Qi immediately panicked and quickly invited Meng Changjun back to Qi with grand courtesy to remain as the minister.

Feng Deceive also suggested Meng Changjun to ask the king of Qi to give him the sacrificial vessels handed down from the previous king, so that he could put them in the land of Xue and build a temple clan, which would ensure the safety of the land of Xue. When the temple clan in the land of Xue was completed, Feng Deceive said to Meng Changjun, “Now that the three caves are completed, you can ‘rest in peace’ from today onwards!”

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  • 无忧无虑
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