As a mantis trying to stop a chariot

As a mantis trying to stop a chariot
Idiom: As a mantis trying to stop a chariot

Idiom Explanation:

The mantis raises its front legs to block the advance of the wheel, not knowing that its strength is simply not up to the task. It is a metaphor for people to do what they can’t do without their own strength, and they are bound to fail.


táng bì dāng chē

Origin book:


Origin Story:

There is an account in Zhuangzi (Zhuangzi – Human World): During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a sage named Yan Helu in the State of Lu who was invited by the Duke of Wei to be the teacher of his prince, Kuai Qi. When Yan Hui heard that Kuai Qi was a man of fierce virtue, he went to visit the wise man of Wei, Qu Bo Yu, and asked him how to teach Kuai Qi well.

Bo Yu replied, “It is right and advantageous for you to come first to ask for information, but it is difficult to use your talents to teach the prince well.” And he further said, “The praying mantis bulges its arms to block the advancing wheel, not knowing that it is beyond its strength, but indeed thinking that such a move on its part is good and beneficial. O Yan Huan! Your heart is good, but you act like a praying mantis; be on your guard! Be cautious!

Moreover, there is another story from ancient times. It happened when Duke Qi Zhuang was on his way to hunt. The Duke of Qi Zhuang saw a green worm holding its two forearms high and standing up straight to block the wheel. He asked the coachman, “What kind of worm is this?” The driver replied, “This is the so-called praying mantis. This little praying mantis only knows how to advance but not how to retreat, it doesn’t know how powerful its arms are, it really doesn’t know its own strength!” The Duke of Qi said with a sigh of relief, “This little insect is not small in ambition; if it were a man, it would be the bravest warrior in the world!” So he ordered the driver to turn the cart around and avoid it.

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  • 不自量力
  • 蚍蜉撼树
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