Changing on old friends in a village inn by Dai Shu-lun

jiang xiang gu ren ou ji ke she
While the autumn moon is pouring full
On a thousand night-levels among towns and villages,
There meet by chance, south of the river,
Dreaming doubters of a dream....
In the trees a wind has startled the birds,
And insects cower from cold in the grass;
But wayfarers at least have wine
And nothing to fear -- till the morning bell.

Original Poem:

天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。
还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。
风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。
羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。



This poem describes a chance meeting with fellow countrymen on the way of travel.

The meeting with old friends on the road in the autumn night makes the poet wonder if he is in a dream, fully expressing the mixed feelings of surprise. Indoors, the old friends meet in a warm atmosphere, and time passes quickly; outdoors, the autumn wind blows the branches of the trees, scaring away the birds and magpies perched on the branches, the dew dampens the autumn grass, and the autumn insects seem to be crying in the bushes. Next, I write about the autumn night scenery, showing the bleakness of living in another country. The poet and his friend are both in detention, and they miss this rare gathering, fearing that they will have to part again at dawn.

Poem translator:

Kiang Kanghu

About the Poet:

Dai Shulun (戴叔伦), 732 – 789 AD, was a native of Jintan, Jiangsu Province. During the Anshi Rebellion, he lived in Poyang and studied behind closed doors, and was later recruited by Liu Yan to serve in the Transit House. Dai Shulun’s poems mostly express the leisure of a secluded life, and there are also some poems exposing social contradictions and reflecting the people’s hardships, with a broader content, and his poetic style is elegant and clear.

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